The Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI)

Wednesday Nov 15th, 2017


The most important form you will file as part of your Tarion Warranty is your Pre Delivery Inspection (PDI) Approximately two weeks to prior to taking occupancy of your condo, I will accompany you on your PDI with the Builder’s representative. I have been on countless PDI’s and each and every time it is very evident that the Tarion inspector is employed by the Builder and is not working in your best interest.


Every deficiency that isn’t noted on your PDI, such as scratches on the hardwood floor or countertops can and will be challenged by the Builder on your 30 day or One year Tarion Warranty form because the Builder will claim you caused the damage. They will tell you that poorly laid tile that is uneven or has irregular and inconsistent grout gaps is ok, when there are very specific tolerances permitted by the Tarion Warranty.


Make sure they document it on the PDI even if they agree to fix it, or say its not warrantable. Make sure you have me at your PDI so you have a Realtor who is knowledgeable on what the Tarion Warranty covers and works to make sure every deficiency is correctly documented.

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